A MAN who has helped thousands of youngsters learn how to sail is to be recognised for his efforts.

Nigel Vick, who has been running the School Sailing Association at Farmoor Reservoir for 27 years, is to receive a Royal Yachting Association Community Award from The Princess Royal.

Mr Vick, 53, who lives in Wolvercote, will be presented with a commemorative medallion and a certificate signed by the Princess, who is the organisation's president, at a presentation ceremony in London in November. It recognises his lifetime commitment to sailing.

He said: "When it started it was 2,000 visitors a year. We now get 10,000 student visitors a year, mostly from Oxfordshire schools.

"I am very honoured because it is a great honour and it is recognition from your peers."

Mr Vick admitted it was not a huge surprise to hear he was receiving the award as he had been aware he was nominated for the accolade.

He said: "There are so many different aspects which I have been involved in. There is the School Sailing Association itself, which is my paid employment, but we have also set up the youth sail training centre and that work is voluntary.

"We have been able to get individuals to come and experience sailing, youngsters from the age of eight. We also have a team of about 14 to 15 young people who are actually instructing some of the sailing this week.

"None of them is over 20 and it is great to see the youngsters putting so much back into the sport."

Mr Vick, who is a national umpire and race officers as well as being an ISAF international judge, said there are now youngsters from Oxford doing competitive sailing in Europe.

It will not be the first time Mr Vick has met the Princess. As the president of the Royal Yachting Association, the Princess chairs meetings of the association's council.

Mr Vick said: "She's very hands-on in terms of her work with sailing. She was at Farmoor a couple of years ago to present prizes for a contest held here, which prompted the pontoon project which will see a new facility for disabled sailors at Farmoor."

Sailing has been a life-long passion for Mr Vick - he has a picture of his mother on the way to a regatta three days before she gave birth to him.