What could be nicer than taking your kids to the pool for a splash around on one of the hottest days of the year?

Hundreds of families with young children were forced to make other plans this weekend, after vandals left city council officials seeing red at Hinksey Pool.

They have every reason to be angry because one of Oxford's main summer attractions has been rendered useless for up to three weeks by the depositing of a mystery dye.

The recent floods put paid to hopes of a glorious summer and by the time the pool reopens any heatwave - however short - will probably be over.

City councillors will no doubt be keen to see swimmers back at Hinksey Pool at the earliest possible opportunity.

But on this occasion they should not rush to reopen the facility until they are 100 per cent sure the water is clear of the dye and safe to swim in.

Council staff appear to have spotted the vandal attack in time to prevent any swimmers being exposed to the dye, but they must ensure that the clean-up operation is thorough.

It was the second occasion in two months the pool was damaged by vandals and councillors need to review the security arrangements immediately.

The pool is a major asset and the cost of introducing new security measures could be weighed against the cost of having to close the pool for long periods. Next time, the shut-down could last for the whole summer season.

While the council tries to clean up the mess, Thames Valley Police should pursue any leads they have to arrest the culprits, who have cast yet another shadow over Oxford's fleeting summer.