A group of young dancers who were thrown together at this year's Cowley Road Carnival have gone on to achieve great things.

Performers from African charity Funsani Kids 4 Kids, from Abingdon, and the Messy Jam dance group, which is based in Barton, Oxford, only got to know one another through East Oxford Action, the organisers of the Cowley Road Carnival.

But the 24 youngsters, aged nine to 21, decided their different styles blended well together and, through East Oxford Action, decided to get involved in another carnival.

They travelled north to the Liverpool International Carnival last weekend where they wowed crowds with their costumes and moves.

Henrietta Gill, of East Oxford Action, said: "The two groups came together as a result of the Cowley Road Carnival and got to know each other's styles. They got on really well and a strong bond was formed."

Ms Gill said the group danced and entertained the crowds as part of a 1,500-strong procession for 90 minutes.

She said: "For the first time, the group wore stunning costumes made with feathers, felt and beads and danced and entertained the crowd for the one and a half hours the procession took to get to Princess Park in the Toxteth part of Liverpool where the afternoon's performances were held.

"Both groups then got the chance to dance on the stage and were brilliantly received by the Liverpool audience."

Ms Gill said the group helped raise the profile of the Cowley Road Carnival, saying: "Lots of people didn't know that Oxford has a carnival, and many thought the group were from London they were so good.

"I am so proud they have done this as we have all learned a lot to make the Cowley Road Carnival procession better next year, and to develop the standard of performance in it.

"It's really not easy to dance and perform on the street when you are used to being on stage, but both Kids 4 Kids and Messy Jam really got it this year and performed to an incredibly high standard - easily as good as the other groups around them who had been doing it for years."

She added: "The youngsters have shown they have the commitment and desire to work hard that is really necessary to get a professional carnival band together - and they have only just started."

The Cowley Road Carnival, which was was held on July 1, saw about 25,000 people flock to it and was hailed as a huge success. It was launched in 2001 and soon became the county's largest multicultural community event.