Plans for 160 new homes along with industrial workshops in the former Chinnor Cement Works have been lodged with South Oxfordshire District Council.

No date has yet been fixed for the plan to be debated by the council.

Owners Taylor Woodrow Development Limited have not specified the number of industrial units on the site.

Chinnor parish council wants more details about landscaping, tree and shrub planting and facilities like play areas and land for sport and recreation before it will comment formally.

Peter Gibbons, Aston Rowant parish council chairman, said the council has been offered £10,000 by Taylor Woodrow towards providing traffic calming measures in the village as any materials going to and from the site from the M40 would have to go through it and Kingston Blount and Crowell.

Oxfordshire County Council is also being asked for traffic calming funding if the Taylor Woodrow application gets planning permission.

The cement works, which ate into the edge of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, dominated the village for the whole of the 20th century before finally closing in 1999. It was the biggest employer in the village.

A development brief issued by the district council in 2004 for the 150-acre site wanted a mix of affordable housing and small industries to provide homes and jobs in the village and also wanted space set aside for wildlife. The site, with its deep quarries and cement works buildings also contained within its boundaries a site of special scientific interest.