MORE than £30,000 of developers' money is to be spent on cycle safety measures in East Oxford.

Oxfordshire County Council has about £32,000 to spend along Iffley Road.

The chairman of Oxford cycling pressure group Cyclox, James Styring, who lives in East Oxford, said: "A lot of people complain about Iffley road because of the cars being parked and them having to wiggle in and out, which can be quite dangerous. I'm sure a treatment like that which currently exists in Cowley Road would be very helpful.

"There are all sorts of things that money could and should be spent on in that area. It is a very popular route used by a lot of people because it's quieter than Cowley Road - but they still find it difficult."

Mr Styring said there were 'pinch points' along the route, where cyclists and cars were essentially battling for the same bit of roadspace, and said one solution would be to create a segregated cycle path.

He said: "I'm certain money could be put to very good effect to make it easier to cycle, but I think they need Cyclox to do a study to get some ideas about where the problems are.

"We would be very willing to collaborate with them in looking at that.

"Cars and buses do go too quickly along the section between The Plain and Jackdaw Lane where the road is quite wide, and then when it narrows it causes difficulties because there are so many cars parked and bollards as crossing points for pedest- rians."

County Hall said money was being held specifically for an Iffley Road cycle safety scheme and initial work had been carried out on a scheme to improve the situation for cyclists at the junction of Iffley Road and the Donnington Bridge.

In total, the county council has £77,312 of developers' money to spend in East Oxford.

Developments which have contributed to the fund include sites in Iffley Road, Cowley Road, St Clements, Marston Road and Chapel Street.

Cash has also been earmarked for bollards in Marston Road, the widening of footpaths in the Chapel Street area, and money for Cheney School and contributions towards library facilities in Cowley.