DAREDEVIL star Charlie Cox is backing a new Oxford drama course designed to give teenagers a head start in the industry.

The actor, best known for playing the title role in the Netflix hit series, is the patron for the Professional Acting Diploma, which has been developed in conjunction with Bristol's Old Vic Theatre School and will take its first crop of students in September.

Mr Cox, who will run a masterclass each year with students, said: "Young people aged 16 can, for the first time, really experience what acting training is all about and get a head start learning their craft.”

In a video to advertise the course the actor, who trained at the Old Vic, also emphasised the importance of mastering practical skills, such as learning scripts, to achieve success in acting.

Stuart Wood, course director, said he was 'delighted' the actor had endorsed the course, adding: “Charlie’s career represents what many young actors aspire to, working at a high level across all media.

"Often patrons are more senior members of the profession but we wanted to ask someone who young people could readily identify with."

The course, a fully government-funded two-year full-time programme that is an alternative to A-Levels, is aimed at giving students a real drama school experience, with the same kinds of curriculum, rigour and ethos.

It will be taught by industry professionals at the Pegasus Theatre in East Oxford and as a Level 3 Extended Diploma, it attracts UCAS points with the equivalent value of up to three A-levels at A*, which means students can progress either to drama school, university or directly into the industry.

Students are promised a personalised learning programme, guidance from industry professionals and 24 hours a week of contact time over 38 weeks a year.

Corinne Micallef, artistic director at Pegasus Theatre said: "Pegasus has some of the best spaces in the city for training, including a fully equipped theatre and 133 seat auditorium, dance studio with sprung floor, a workshop for designing and building sets, a vast amount of props and costume, a music tech studio, dressing rooms, a green room and a public cafe.

"We are confident that this choice in venue, combined with the fact that Pegasus Theatre has more than 50 years’ experience of working with young people, will equip acting students with the best start in their future career."

A first round of open auditions will take place on November 13 from 5pm to 6.30pm at The Pegasus Theatre.

It will be a workshop style audition and applicants do not need to prepare anything.

To register attendance email education@boomsatsuma.com

There will also be an open evening at the theatre on December 14 from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. To book a slot on the open evening visit boomsatsuma.education/opendays.