A DRUG dealer who was handed a lifeline and spared jail has again been given a reprieve after he breached his sentence and failed to turn up for an unpaid work appointment.

Malik Charlett, of Bardwell Road, Oxford, was given an 18 month jail term, suspended for 18 months on May 25 for two counts of possessing with intent to supply class A drugs.

He was also ordered to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work but Oxford Crown Court heard yesterday how the 20-year old had missed two of his initial appointments.

For the sessions which were due to start at Bicester at 9.15am on June 13 and June 20 he arrived at 9.25am and 9.56am respectively.

At his sentencing for the breach Charlett was given a second chance partly as a result of a diagnosis for epilepsy and the effects of medication he had been taking at the time.

Defending, Lucy Ffrench told the court that drugs for his condition meant he was drowsy and confused and added that for one appointment if he had arrived just nine minutes earlier he may have been let in.

She added that he was hopeful of securing part-time employment and had embarked on a new stable relationship with another woman.

Sentencing, Judge Zoe Smith said: "I hope there will be a focus on working in the future.

"If you breach this again there will be an activation of that suspended sentence."

Charlett was given an additional five day on top of his rehabilitation activity requirement which was previously handed to him as part of a community order.