YOUNG female entrepreneurs in Oxford have been given a boost with the launch of a new initiative.

Girls Empowered aims to make networking accessible to girls and women in their 20s who are starting out in their careers, moving up the ladder or setting up their own businesses.

It was set up earlier this year by Charlotte Hayto, who lives in Botley Road in West Oxford, who now runs the scheme full time.

The 24-year-old said: "We want to inspire, encourage and build confidence in the young leaders of today and see them do great things in existing businesses or through new ventures.

"All money that is made by Girls Empowered will go towards supporting women in the UK, as well as supporting women in third-world countries become micro-entrepreneurs."

Ms Hayto's endeavour was formed by her own experiences in the workplace as a woman.

She has also been influenced by her decision to leave her fashion journalism course at university having felt pressures to look a certain way.

She said: "I was straight out of university and had no idea how things should or could be, so accepted whatever was thrown at me as part of growing up.

"By the time I turned 21 I felt very alone in my career.

"The majority of my friends were still at university or were off travelling – at times it felt like I was the only one working nine-to-five and unavailable for brunch on a Wednesday.

"From there I started to explore the idea of a networking event or a community full of like-minded women that could become the support system I was missing."

Ms Hayto previously worked in the marketing department of technology company ByBox, and she said the mentors she had there helped inspire her latest venture.

Girls Empowered launched in her hometown of Leicester, where the reception has been positive.

After moving to Oxford she decided to try and make a success of the initiative here as well.

She said: "There is a community of Girls Empowered women in Leicester who are supporting each other's passions and in their careers.

"I see pictures of women who met at our events working on projects together, or out for dinner together and, for me, that's the most important thing.

"I love that in such a short time period we have created a supportive community of young business women.

"I truly believe that with the right mentor, and the right people around us, we can achieve anything.

"Girls Empowered aims to create that world – one where starting out in a business doesn't have to feel lonely or scary."

Girls Empowered's next event will be on 16 November at the office of their sponsor, Freeths Solicitors office in Oxford Business Park, Cowley.

Tickets are free. To register visit