RESIDENTS will get their first chance to see controversial plans for a school site in Marston tonight.

The Harlow Centre site, off Raymund Road, is earmarked to house the 1,260-pupil Swan School.

A new building for Meadowbrook College – which is currently on the site – and outdoor sports and play facilities for neighbouring St Nicholas' Primary School are also planned for the land.

Those living nearby have previously raised concerns that the development would bring more traffic to the area, cause congestion and put pupils at risk.

The masterplan for the site's redevelopment will be on display at two public drop-in sessions tonight and Monday, giving residents a chance to have their say before planning permission is submitted later this year.

Construction company Galliford Try is in charge of designing the development and its senior design manager, Graham Wilson, said the company wants to hear residents' views on the plans and 'answer any questions they might have.'

He added: “We are conscious that some residents have questions about the potential impact on local roads.

"We have worked hard to address these points in our masterplan and look forward to discussing the proposals further with residents.”

Information will also be put online, with an opportunity to submit comments.

The school was given the go-ahead by the Government back in September 2015 to help the city cope with a rise in the number of pupils in the city.

It is a free school, meaning it is free from local authority control, and will be run by the River Learning Trust, which includes The Cherwell School.

The school was meant to open in September this year, but there have been a number of problems finding a suitable site, with the Harlow Centre eventually identified as the only option.

It is hoped the school will be able to open in 2019.

A joint statement released by St Nicholas' Primary, Meadowbrook College and the Swan School, along with Government body the Education and Skills Funding Agency, said: “We are committed to working together to deliver a masterplan that will deliver improved school facilities and choice for young people in Oxford.

"We look forward to working together and with our parents, students and local community, to ensure that the transition period is managed well as we deliver a scheme that will benefit all in the wider community and secure future educational provision for Oxford’s young people.”

The drop-in events will take place at St Nicholas' Primary, Raymund Road, Marston from 5pm to 8pm on both evenings.

Members of the design team and representatives from the three schools will be present to answer questions.

A separate consultation being run by the River Learning Trust to ask for views on how the Swan School will operate.

To view the plans go to