A PROMINENT reminder of Oxford’s long-standing link with the Dutch city of Leiden is to be unveiled at the new £440m Westgate Centre.

Leiden Square will be officially opened in the new centre by Oxford's Lord Mayor, Jean Fooks, and the Burgomaster of Leiden, Henri Lenferink, on Saturday, November 11.

A mosaic depicting the twinning link will be unveiled in the floor of the square.

The two university cities were twinned in 1946 in an effort to promote friendship in Europe after the Second World War.

Thanks to generations of volunteers, the Oxford-Leiden relationship continued and celebrated its 70th anniversary last year.

In that time, thousands of Oxonians and Leidenaars have crossed the North Sea, by boat and plane, to take part in a wide range of sporting and cultural activities.

John Chipperfield, chairman of the Oxford-Leiden Link, said: “We are delighted to have a prominent reminder of our twin city in the city centre.

“We have a stained-glass window in the town hall and Leiden Road at Wood Farm but these are tucked away.

“At long last we have recognition in a place which everyone will see. We hope everyone will join in the celebrations.”

The official opening of the square, with speeches from the Lord Mayor and Burgomaster, is due to take place at noon.

A three-hour programme of music, singing and dancing is planned on November 11 to mark the opening of the new square.

It will feature the Cutting Edge brass band and the Messy Jam dance troupe from Oxford as well as the K&G stage band from Leiden, which visited Oxford last year for the twinning link’s 70th anniversary.

There will also be a stall selling Dutch beer and gin.

Oxford’s two longest-running twin city links will now have squares named after them, with Bonn Square in the north – the Oxford-Bonn Link was formed in 1947 – and Leiden Square in the south.

Lord Mayor Jean Fooks said: "It's lovely to have this recognition of the twinning link at a time when it's important to maintain a close relationship with out twin cities in Europe.

The new mosaic in Leiden Square has been designed by three young artists, Lauren Baldwin and Tamsin Corrigan, from Oxford, and Emma van Noort, from Leiden.

The opening was arranged for November 11, three weeks after the shopping centre opened last week, as the Burgomaster traditionally visits Oxford at this time to lay a wreath at the city’s Remembrance Day service in St Giles'.

A party of supporters from Leiden will also be in Oxford to attend the opening.