GHOULISH goings on at a village pub are to be investigated by a ghost hunter. 

The King and Queen in High Street, Wheatley, has long been known for supposed supernatural activity, including a ghostly dog.

Now 'parapsychologist' Ciaran O'Keefe, who lives in the village, is to lead a tour of the pub to bring in funds for Wheatley Pre-School.

Mr O'Keefe, who has appeared on paranormal TV series Most Haunted, said he was keen to be one of the first to properly investigate the pub.

He decided to turn the event into a fundraiser as his wife, who works at the pre-school, had been trying come up with novel ideas to bring in cash.

He said: "I wanted to do a ghost hunt in the pub since I moved to Wheatley, I knew about the pub for years, about some of the haunting experiences.

"The pub has a history dating back to the mid-15th century.

"What makes it intriguing for me is that there's little out there, except for one story about it being haunted by a previous landlord.

"I'm interested because it's never been explored before.

"There's no prior media knowledge.

"People are coming from the other side of town to come and see."

One part of the pub is said to have a strange aura that make customers feel uneasy, and in the past staff have reported chairs moving around during the night.

Parapsychologists such Dr O'Keefe investigate paranormal and psychic phenomena including telepathy, clairvoyance, reincarnation and other paranormal claims.

He has worked as a psychology researcher and has researched a number of areas including hypnotism and exorcism.

The ghost hunt at the King and Queen will be held on November 6 and will see one team of people take part in a seance, led by a medium to contact spirits.

The other team will be keeping quiet, looking at the atmosphere of the building and using an electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) to 'capture spirit voices'.

EVPs purport to be able to find spirit voices within background noise.

Dr O'Keefe said: "We have exclusive access to the bar area the plan for a few hours to use some environmental monitoring equipment to measure temperature and electromagnetic fields and so on, but also give the public a chance to use the more popular spiritualism methods to attempt to contact spirits such as seances, Ouija boards and EVP."

The hunt starts at 11pm on November 6, tickets are £25 per person.

To book email Dr O'Keefe at