THE less glamorous sided of working in newsrooms and TV studios has been satirised in a new sitcom by an Oxford-based production company.

Endless Day Productions, which has been making short films on YouTube since early last year, has launched the official trailer for a pilot episode of 'In Other News'.

Writers and producers of the show, Ross Arrowsmith and Scott Morgan, worked in local television together and experienced various ups and downs, comedic moments and mishaps that formed the basis for In Other News.

Co-director, Mr Arrowsmith, said: "We've been writing it for more than a year.

"We realised we had the capability to combine this local TV experience with our filmmaking knowledge and produce a 25-minute pilot episode.

"Filming has now wrapped and we're in the process of editing the pilot, with an aim to release it at the start of November.

"Subsequently, we are now running a crowd funding campaign to make a further five episodes so we have a complete first series of six episodes.

"We'll be raising £6,500 on Kickstarter over 30 days, starting in early November, after we've released the pilot for all to see."

The pilot episode will be available for free on YouTube, via the team's social media channels and on their website.

When the full series is produced after the Kickstarter campaign – which does not yet have a webpage – it will be made available for free online.

The team also hopes to approach TV networks in the aim of having it commissioned.

Though Mr Arrowsmith and Mr Morgan were journalists when working in local TV, most of the cast have not worked in journalism before, so had to be trained to reflect the type of characters the pair worked with.

Mr Morgan said: "We're really excited to see everyone's reactions to the pilot episode – everyone has worked so hard over the past few months, and we're really looking forward to launching our Kickstarter and continuing the journey of making this show."

See the pilot episode here:

To support their kickstarter campaign, you can donate here: