PEOPLE looking to 'put the world to rights' now have a chance to debate the news of the day at a new discussion group in Blackbird Leys.

An informal meet-up has been started on Friday mornings in Blackbird Leys Library and Learning Centre for people to read and debate the day's newspapers, including the Oxford Mail.

Behind the initiative is Sasha East, the community development manager for Abingdon & Witney College, which runs adult learning courses from the library during term time.

She says the first couple of sessions have seen the group debate everything from Donald Trump and Brexit to women's body issues and the people who own the media.

The former Catalyst Housing worker said: "I buy different papers every week and we go through and everyone chooses what they want to talk about.

"There have been some really interesting discussions.

"We've talked about why certain stories are on the front page or how photos have been used.

"It's informal, sometimes we have a jolly chat and sometimes it is more serious, depending on what is being talked about.

"We have really put the world to rights at times.

"People don't always agree but we listen to everyone's views and try to understand where people are coming from."

Ms East said she had been surprised at people's willingness to discuss big international issues.

She said: "When we started I thought we would be focussing on more local issues but the big things that are happening in the world have really engaged people.

"They really care about what is happening to the Muslims in Myanmar for example, everyone wanted to know more about the situation and what could be done.

"You can't help but be moved by that."

The group have also tried to work out the reading age for each of the newspapers, based on a 100 word sample taken at random.

They have promised to do the same for the Oxford Mail next week.

Ms East says that people are encouraged to read a range of papers, but draws the line at the Daily Star.

'It is educational to read things that may make you feel uncomfortable' is her verdict.

The news and views discussion group meets every Friday morning during term time from 10am until noon.

Entry is open to everyone and there's no need to pre-book so just turn up on the day and join in.