OXFORD oldest independent store welcomed the opening of the Westgate Centre and predicted it would be good for business.

Shopping malls were packed again yesterday as stores at the centre enjoyed a busy second day’s trading.

Boswell’s in Broad Street has been in Oxford since 1738 and when the new £440m centre opened on Tuesday store managers were quick to tweet a warm welcome to traders at Westgate and to shoppers who had not visited the city centre ‘for a while’.

Store manager Frank Smith said the department store would benefit from the opening of the new centre.

He added: “I think it will be good for all stores in the city centre, including independents.

“We are the leading independent in the centre of Oxford which has a very strong retail offer and Westgate has a strong multinational offer - Oxford retail has caught up quite rapidly after being behind for the past 20 years.

“On Tuesday our footfall was unaffected - we will look at the overall picture after Christmas and New Year.

“I think Westgate opening will be good for the whole of Oxford - it will be a magnet for customers who previously visited other centres and I think everyone will benefit.”

Blackwell’s Bookshop, which has its flagship store in Broad Street, has opened a new branch in the Westgate Centre.

Deputy manager of Blackwells’ Zool Verjee said the new store would not take custom away from its store in Broad Street.

He added: “The new store is beautiful with a real sense of theatre but it will not detract from what we do in Broad Street as it is targeting a different market.

“Blackwell’s is more for academics while the store’s offer in Westgate is more for families and children.

“Westgate is another reason for shoppers to come into Oxford.”

The chief executive of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership has welcomed the arrival of the centre, featuring a new John Lewis department store, 100 new shops and a cinema/

OxLEP chief executive Nigel Tipple said the benefits of Westgate Oxford would be felt the city’s independent retailers and those seeking employment. The centre is creating 3,000 new jobs.

Mr Tipple said: “I am confident that, through Westgate Oxford, many shoppers will discover our excellent array of independent retailers across the city, as well as the dozens of tourist attractions we have in the city and across the county.

The business leader said the new centre was an example of Oxfordshire demonstrating economic growth.