FROM today, Wednesday October 25, the average UK worker will have earned their annual salary for 2017 and in effect be working for free for the rest of the year.

That is according to the annual Overtime Survey carried out by TotallyMoney, which has concluded that the UK is now working on average 68 days overtime every year, or 8.4 hours a week, with 65 per cent of people receiving no additional pay.

In the survey, 80 per cent of people said they work during their lunch break every day, whether they got paid extra or not.

Nearly 60 per cent said they did not have a good work/life balance.

The study also revealed that 43 per cent of men were compensated for their overtime compared to only 30 per cent of women.

Some 32 per cent of hospitality workers claimed to have a good work/ life balance, racking up an average of 9.9 hours overtime each week, while 44 per cent of publishers and journalists have carried out work-related duties on holiday.