A JEALOUS lover who struck his long-term partner just weeks after his release from a three-year jail term is again behind bars.

Aaron Gardner, of Oxford Road, Littlemore, Oxford, was set to stand trial at Oxford Crown Court on Monday for the assault at his partner's home.

In a last minute U-turn as the three-day trial was preparing to get under way the 32-year old admitted one count of assault by beating the woman.

The court heard how Gardner had been in a long-standing relationship with his victim since childhood and that they were re-united after he had served a portion of his three-year prison sentence for attempted burglary, which was imposed in January 2016.

On April 24 this year, just three weeks after he was released on licence, the court heard, he was at his partner's home when a row ensued.

Gardner had become jealous over another man and an argument began, which soon escalated into violence when he lashed out and struck her.

The woman received minor injuries after the assault and the police were called to the property the following day, before Gardner was arrested and remanded into custody.

Nigel Daly, prosecuting, said at Gardner's sentencing on Monday that he had a 'large number of convictions', including for violence, robbery, burglary and escaping custody.

In mitigation, Tim Greaves, said that the injuries sustained by his victim and inflicted by his client were 'relatively minor' and 'more akin to a scratch' – with her not requiring hospital treatment following the attack.

He said: "It was one strike carried out during an argument and there was no specific pre-meditation."

Sentencing, Judge Maria Lamb said that the offence was so serious that she had to impose a custodial sentence.

She said: "It strikes me, looking at your record, that you are someone who raises his hands to people rather too often.

"Whether they are males or females, whether they are professional security staff or custodial staff you seem to take out your temper on them in a physical way.

"It is not acceptable, as I am sure you know, to hit anyone, let alone your partner, and it certainly merits a prison sentence."

Gardner was jailed for 14 weeks for the assault and must pay a statutory victim surcharge.