A BUTTERFLY lover who has been monitoring Oxfordshire's population for more than 40 years was among a clutch of wildlife volunteers honoured for their service.

Margaret Cochrane and other 'outstanding' devotees were presented with Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust's AGM this month.

Mrs Cochrane has been counting butterflies at BBOWT's Foxholes reserve in West Oxfordshire since the UK butterfly monitoring scheme started in 1976.

The Leafield resident has also led guided walks and organised work parties in the ancient woodland near Kingham, for which the trust thanked her.

Mike Turton knows Chinnor Hill and Oakley Hill nature reserves on the Buckinghamshire border like the back of his hand.

That is because for the past 35 years he has visited the reserves daily, clearing paths, encouraging people to notice wildlife and checking on BBOWT's grazing livestock.

The trust described Richard Hall from Steventon, as 'an unsung hero' of its Oxfordshire Field Team which works on nature reserves across the county.

It said: "Richard’s skills and experience over the past 20 years, especially in fencing, construction and tree felling are exceptional.

"His support of other volunteers is integral to the success of the team’s conservation work on our reserves."

Louise Spicer, from West Oxfordshire, was honoured for devoting more than 30 years to the restoration of the meadows at Blenheim Farm community nature reserve.

The trust said she had organised work parties, scything, and picnics with local residents at the Charlbury green haven.

Jayne Wu and Elizabeth Mercer picked up an Outstanding Contribution award for running their Nature Tots group.

The scheme was set up five years ago to run outdoor 'nature discovery sessions' at Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre near Didcot.

During 856 hours of volunteering they have encouraged more than 3,100 children to jump in puddles, stir mud pies and create artistic masterpieces from sticks and leaves.

The trust also presented an Outstanding Contribution award to Sutton Courtenay's Friday Volunteers.

In the past four years the group has create a new orchard, opened up paths and kept some of the more vigorous wild plants in check.

Chairwoman-elect of BBOWT Barbara Muston used the AGM on October 14 to thank all 1,400 volunteers who give a total of 18,000 days a year.

She said: "Without the dedication and commitment shown by all the people we are celebrating today, this wildlife trust would not be able to meet our vision of an environment rich in wildlife, valued by all.

"Personally I feel very humble to be meeting people who have spent their lifetimes monitoring butterflies, or meticulously creating the right habitats for rare plants and dragonflies."