A CAR that achieved worldwide fame in Pink Panther TV cartoons was sold in Oxfordshire at the weekend.

It was top of the bill at the third annual auction run by Coys, dealers in historic and expensive cars and memorabilia, at Blenheim Palace on Saturday.

The bright pink vehicle, with its sleek bodylines, fetched £71,000 and was sold to an American collector.

Auctioneer Chris Routledge said: "The Rinky Dink Panther is one of the most recognised of cartoon characters. It is unique and has caused a frenzy of interest from collectors around the world."

Edward Bridger-Stille, spokesman for COYS, said: "We were pleased with the price. It is difficult to value items such as this and the market always decides the value.

"We have a reputation for selling cars made famous in films or on TV, and we have previously auctioned vehicles including Inspector Morse's car, James Bond's Aston Martin, Del Trotter's three-wheeled van and the Batmobile."

About 100 cars and hundreds of collectors' items were also sold at the event, including a 1929 Rolls-Royce Phantom 2, previously owned by an Indian maharajah.

Visitors or bidders had to pay £25 for a catalogue which also included admission for two people.