A DOZEN singers opted to exercise their vocal chords as some light relief to their work day.

The group staged the Big Lunchtime Sing at Oxford Town Hall on Tuesday, to give people an alternative to the normal work break of a quick sandwich and drink before returning to the daily grind.

For an hour, singers were taught a new song and harmony to test their vocals in an uplifting session conducted by singer Steph Pirrie.

The group staged a circle of singers and took lead from Ms Pirrie on learning new songs and harmonies, such as a Swedish lullaby, gospel and Calypso, whilst taking a few moments out of their busy day.

The Big Lunchtime sing is a weekly workshop put on to give many people something that is a break from their day to day lives.

The sessions are open to all as a drop in workshop and no experience is needed as everything is taught on the day by ear.

It runs from 12.30 to 1.30pm at the Old Museum in the Oxford Town Hall and costs £5 a session.

For more details see http://bit.ly/2nk7fT0