A GRIEVING Viking will follow tradition and shave his beard for charity after his best friend died at the age of 50 following a battle with cancer.

Littlemore man Bob Johnson, who subscribes to the pagan religion, said his charity shave will serve as a dedication in honour of his friend Dave Smith who died last year aged 50.

When 51-year-old technician Bob Johnson first learned that his friend, who he had known since they were children at Peers School, Littlemore, had been diagnosed he said he would follow his adopted religion to show his support.

He said: “He was my best friend and one day he phoned me to say that he had cancer.

“And so I said to him that I would start growing a beard and shave it off when he either got better or he didn’t.

“Unfortunately he passed away in November of last year and so now I will shave it off for him as a dedication.

“This is a way to honour and dedicate something to my best friend.”

He will complete the charity shave raising funds for the Churchill Hospital on tonight at 8.30pm at the Bullingdon Arms, Cowley Road.

It will coincide with the Oxrox Alive Music Festival taking place at the same time at the venue.

He said ahead of the shave: “His son and daughter will be there and it’s going to very emotional.

“The belief system we have got is the old pagan Norse, its Vikings, so this is a dedication, an honour.”