WORKERS at Cowley's Mini Plant could be on strike 'in weeks' after voting overwhelmingly for industrial action in a row over pensions.

A ballot calling for strike action closed today and the countries' biggest union Unite declared this afternoon that 93 per cent of voters backed a full-blown walkout.

97 per cent of workers, meanwhile, voted for industrial action short of strike action.

The latest escalation follows a long-running row over the planned closure of a fixed contribution pension scheme which unions argue could lose its workers £160,000 in retirement pay.

Announcing the result at BMW’s Hams Hall plant in the West Midlands Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said: “BMW needs to reflect on this extraordinary vote in favour of industrial action and the real possibility that its UK workforce will strike for the first time under its ownership in the coming weeks.

“It won’t be a step which will be taken lightly, but the vote in favour of action shows a determination by workers who have contributed massively to BMW’s record revenues to stand up for their pensions.

“Unite members have been the driving force behind record sales and a surge in profits.

Repaying their loyalty by breaking pension promises and robbing them of tens of thousands of pounds of retirement income is a disgraceful way for BMW bosses to behave.  

“Over the coming days Unite representatives will be considering our next steps and what form industrial action could take.

We would urge BMW to stop pinching pensions and negotiate a settlement which is good for the business and good for the workforce.”

Turnout for the ballot was 72 per cent.