MOST costly add-on fertility treatments offered in UK clinics are of 'no benefit' when it comes to improving the chances of having a baby, an Oxford University-led investigation has found.

Findings from research commissioned by BBC Panorama show 26 out of 27 add-on fertility treatments did not have high quality evidence from trials to back up claims they increased IVF success rates.

Add-on treatments can include extra procedures, additional drugs or devices to house an embryo - and can cost anywhere between £100 and £3,000 on top of standard fertility care, the programme said.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of Oxford University's Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, said it was 'one of the worst examples' in healthcare he had ever seen and that some treatments could even be 'harmful'.

The academic - who led the research team and whose findings will be published in the British Medical Journal - said: "The first thing you would expect to happen is that anything that makes a claim for an intervention would be backed up by some evidence.

"Some of these treatments are of no benefit to you whatsoever and some of them are harmful... I can't understand how this has been allowed to happen in the UK."

Over the course of a year, the Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine searched for every claim made in connection with the treatments on UK fertility clinic websites.

Finding little evidence quoted on the clinics' websites substantiating the claims, they went on to read hundreds of scientific papers, looking for high quality evidence to back them up.

Out of the 27 treatments identified by researchers, only one - called an endometrial scratch - had 'moderate quality evidence' showing an increase in the chances of conception through IVF, the report found.

But researchers noted there is currently a randomised trial ongoing in the UK to determine the effectiveness of this treatment - with evidence in support of it currently limited.

They also claim they found evidence that when marketing one add-on treatment, not all clinics were giving patients the information they needed to make an informed decision.

The add-on treatment in question is called pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) - a process which sees embryos screened for abnormalities that might stop them developing further.

But according to the programme, a randomised trial in 2007 discovered an early version of the test could actually reduce the chances of having a baby.

The show reports many clinics now sell a more accurate version of the screening process, but with trials currently under way, there is no evidence to show new versions improve chances.

An undercover Panorama reporter also visited a fertility fair in London last year and spoke to staff from 18 British and foreign clinics at random to ask if PGS was a good add-on treatment.

The programme reports that five of the 18 clinics were positive about the treatment, eight said they would only offer it to women over the age of 40 or those who had experienced IVF failures, and only five said they would not recommend PGS because of a lack of evidence.

Sebastiann Mastenbroek, a clinical embryologist from the University of Amsterdam, conducted trials on the first version of PGS and showed it may have lowered birth rates.

He told the programme he was surprised claims were being made for the newer versions of PGS before the current randomised trials are completed.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates UK fertility clinics, said it is 'concerned about the recent step change in the use of treatment add-ons'.

It also said it has 'limited powers to stop clinics offering them, nor to control pricing', and publishes information directly for patients so they can make informed decisions before they go to a clinic.

Next year the HFEA will launch a new website with more information about a wider range of add-ons.

  • Panorama: Inside Britain's Fertility Business will be broadcast on Monday November 28 at 8.30pm on BBC One.