THE history of Oxford's most famous hotel The Randolph - renovated following last year's devastating fire - has been celebrated in a new book.

Freelance photographer KT Bruce and her husband Martin Bruce have produced the 38-page history booklet now on sale at the hotel in Beaumont Street.

On Thursday staff members dressed in top hats and hooped skirts to mark the hotel's 150th birthday as general manager Michael Grange welcomed 180 guests.

Following the blaze in April last year there has been a £6.5m refurbishment at the five-star hotel, including the opening of new Acanthus restaurant and Cartoon Bar, and Mr Grange told guests ground floor areas and grand staircase were due for refurbishment in the new year.

As part of the celebrations the book detailing the history of the Randolph was launched.

Mother-of-two Mrs Bruce said: "Three years ago I was sitting next to Michael at a gala dinner for the Oxford Literary Festival and I said to him I am surprised you don't have a wall of fame showing all the different guests who have visited the hotel.

"He agreed and now there is a display of my photos on the walls of the hotel.

"The suggestion for a book came out of that discussion and I worked on the project with my husband.

"I found the hotel's archives contained in a box in Michael's office and also carried out some research at the Oxfordshire History Centre in Cowley - I was there for quite a few days.

"Some of my photos are featured in the book and I'm delighted it has been produced in time for the 150th anniversary celebrations.

"Martin and I worked on the book and it has been published by the Randolph and will be on sale in the hotel for £4.95."

Mr Bruce, who was headteacher of Christ Church Cathedral School for nine years until his retirement in 2013, said: "My degree is in English so I said I would help with the writing of the book.

"For a hotel that is so historic it is perhaps surprising that more has not been done up until now to document its history."

Mr Grange said: "To celebrate and commemorate 150 years of Macdonald Randolph Hotel we have commissioned a book on the prestigious building’s illustrious history.

"We are grateful to friends of the hotel, KT and Martin Bruce who researched and wrote the book, as well as the support from several staff at Macdonald Hotels and the Oxfordshire locals who gave us information, photographs and other memorabilia associated with The Randolph including one of the original hotel signs.

"The book gives a full history of the hotel covering its 150-year life, from welcoming royals and celebrities, to the terrible fire in 2015.

"Its creation has brought home to us how special the hotel is to so many people and why we are an Oxford institution."

The book, entitled 150: Macdonald Randolph Hotel: An Oxford institution since 1866, is on sale at the hotel.