ELDERLY and disabled Witney residents looking to ease their Christmas shopping worries are being urged to use a free service designed to make their trip easier.

Witney Shopmobility offers the use of a motorised scooter or wheelchair for those who would otherwise struggle to make the most of shopping facilities in the town.

Regular user Christopher Deane , who lives in the town, is keen to highlight the advantages of the service.

The 74-year-old said: “I suffer from sciatica and there is no way I could walk to Sainsbury’s and return home with several bags of shopping.

“Witney is an exceptional town and Shopmobility helps me stay as mobile as I can to enjoy it. I would encourage anyone to use it as it is so easy.”

Witney Shopmobility offers a range of scooters and wheelchairs as well as providing blankets and waterproof capes for users.

Carol Reynolds, cabinet member for community safety at WODC, said: “Witney Shopmobility is a fantastic service that can make a real difference to people’s everyday lives.

“Christmas is a time when everyone wants to shop and I would encourage those who are worried about walking around the town to take advantage of it.”

The service is open four days a week: Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Friday from 9.30am to 4.15pm and will remain open until December 23, re-opening on January 4. It is based in Langdale Gate, Witney where there is disabled parking nearby.

For more information call 01993 864787 or email enquiries@westoxon.gov.uk