THE quick-thinking of an audiologist who saved his patient’s hearing has secured him an international award.

Duncan Collet-Fenson, from Thame, has been crowned European Audiologist of the Year after a nomination from grateful patient.

The director of Thame-based Aston Hearing Service helped save the hearing of Nikki Magrath after she suffered Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL).

She said: “From childhood I had 80 per cent hearing loss in one ear and normal hearing in the other.

“I lived happily with this until I experienced SSHL in my ‘normal hearing’ ear. My life had changed; I could no longer hear. “With a young family I desperately needed to reconnect to the hearing world.”

Ms Magrath, from Amersham in Buckinghamshire, lost her hearing suddenly back in May and after leaving it a day thinking it may go away, she realised it was serious and contacted the Thame audiologist.

Mr Collet-Fenson was able to recognise the diagnosis and knew Ms Magrath needed urgent treatment to ensure her hearing could recover so sent her straight to A&E.

She said: “I feel fantastic back in the hearing world.

“Within the first few days it was critical to get it treated.

“I feel very fortunate to have discovered Aston Hearing Services and to have met Duncan.”

Ms Magrath has now recovered her hearing in her ‘normal hearing’ ear and nominated Mr Collet-Fenson for the award as a thank you.

The audiologist said due to past experiences within his family he was able to recognise the signs of SSHL and knew it needed treating urgently.

He said: “We try and see anyone who may have suffered SSHL within 24 hours at worst. We are very aware that timing is crucial with this condition to increasing a positive outcome.”

Ms Magrath added: “Hearing loss is so overlooked, people don’t give it a second thought because it is an invisible illness.

“People very much take hearing for granted but take it from me it’s a very isolated world out there and life becomes very difficult without your hearing.”

The audiologist received the top industry title at a ceremony in Hannover, Germany, last month.

He added: “I am delighted to have won and it makes it all the more special that I was nominated by Nikki, a patient who has benefited from our expertise.

“We know that hearing loss has a significant impact on peoples’ lives so we are dedicated to ensuring that we not only provide excellent medical advice but that our patients are supported practically and emotionally.”