GLOWING lanterns and lively dances will mark the county's rich mix of cultures at a Diwali dinner.

Oxford Hindu Temple and Community Centre Project will bring splashes of colour and community spirit to Oxford Academy as it celebrates the festival of lights this evening.

Members of all faith groups will mingle at the Littlemore school during the event, which will fundraise for the group's mission to set up a Hindu temple in Oxford.

The group's secretary Chinta Kallie said: "There will be music and a three-course meal and Bhangra dancing. People are welcome regardless of which faith they belong to.

"There are currently about 5,000 Hindus living in Oxfordshire but they don't have a place to worship. Every other faith group seems to have somewhere."

The Radley resident, who also sits on the Oxford Council of Faiths, said the group has raised £150,000 since beginning the project eight years ago but needs much more to afford a base in the city.

She added: "It can be difficult to get enough money to acquire somewhere - we are hoping to get a big donor."

The Lord Mayor of Oxford, the Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire and the mayors of Banbury and Abingdon are set to be among the guests at the event, which starts at 6.30pm and finishes at 11pm.

Tickets include the meal and cost £20 for adults but are free to children under the age of five, and can be bought be contacting Mr Kallie on 01235 413676.