BLACK cabs will be banned from a new link road in the Westgate shopping centre because it would cause ‘unacceptable’ levels of pollution.

In July council officers had decided to reconsider banning taxis from the access road - to be constructed between Castle Street and Speedwell Street - but yesterday stuck to its original decision.

With many shops, bars and restaurants planned on the south and west side of the £440m development, the City of Oxford Licensed Taxicab Association (COLTA) had strongly objected to the move.

Oxford City Council also revealed that changes to allow licensed vehicles to use the route at certain times would require a new planning application for the £440m development and delay its opening.

COLTA chairman Bashir Ahmed said: “We are talking about a small section of road in which the emissions will be increased.

“The congestion caused by having the 107 licensed Hackney cabs using routes shared by other traffic will cause even more pollution.

He added: “The council is being stubborn and terminating our routes to and from the bus station and train station.”

An Oxford City Council statement said: “If there were to be an extension of the use of the route to include all taxis, the impact on air quality would be very significant, and likely to result in an unacceptable level of pollution.”