A SCIENTIST who went to school in Littlemore has been named runner-up in a national physics competition.

Euan Allen, 25, is studying for a PhD at Bristol University having previously studied at The Oxford Academy.

He was shortlisted for the Institute of Physics early career physics communicator award. The prize recognises people who have been outstanding in communicating their work and physics in general to a wider audience.

Mr Allen said: "It’s wonderful to be named as a finalist.

"These past few years have certainly been some of the busiest, but they have also been some of the most enjoyable and fulfilling ever.

“I’ve had the privilege of being involved in numerous outreach and communication projects, which have all been a pleasure to develop and work at. "I have met and worked with some amazingly talented and committed science communicators, which has been an absolute joy and a huge learning experience.

"To cap this year off by attending the finals of the award in London is an honour and extremely exciting. I would like to extend my thanks to the Institute of Physics for providing such a great event and inviting me to it."

Niamh Kavanagh, from University College Cork in the Republic of Ireland, won the prize at a ceremony in London on Monday.