FOUR retired NHS staff have been enlisted at the eleventh hour to turn on Banbury’s Christmas lights.

Campaign group Save Our Horton had intended to invite current staff at the Horton General Hospital to take part in the switch-on this Sunday.

But operator Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust declined the offer.

Director of workforce Mark Power said: “The campaign leader stated she was making the invitation on behalf of event organisers, namely Banbury Town Council.

“We appreciated the offer reflected the high regard in which our Horton staff are held by the Banbury community.”

But he said there was not enough time to come up with a ‘fair and equitable’ process for choosing staff as Save Our Horton had specifically asked they be drawn from four areas of the Horton.

In addition, he said, ‘highly personalised comments’ had been directed at individual OUH staff members on Facebook and at demonstrations that had been ‘personally abusive, hostile and critical’ following the decision to downgrade the Horton’s maternity unit.

He added: “It is simply not appropriate for the Trust to offer names from selected areas, at the suggestion of a campaign group, and with insufficient notice.”

Local campaign chairman Keith Strangwood said four ex-Horton staff would undertake the task instead.

He added: “There was so much kerfuffle. The Trust don’t want it highlighted once again the situation the hospital is in.”

Banbury’s Christmas lights switch-on takes place from 1pm in Banbury town centre and will include a festive market, hot food and drink and fireworks.