THE equivalent weight of nearly two double decker buses has been shipped overseas in aid from Oxfam in Bicester.

The charity shipped out 20 tonnes of aid - worth £142,000 - to help the South Sudan refugee crisis from its warehouse in Arkwright Road, Bicester, on Monday.

The shipment of aid included mostly water tanks and water purification equipment to be used in North West Uganda, in Bidibidi, where thousands have fled from South Sudan.

Oxfam Bicester warehouse manager Rod Hogg said: “This equipment is going to be supporting thousands of South Sudanese who are fleeing into Uganda.

“Every week, the conflict in South Sudan is pushing over 2,500 new refugees, mostly women and children, to leave their country and seek sanctuary in Bidibidi where more facilities are desperately needed.

“People need clean water, shelter and basic necessities to be able to restart their lives - there is no time to waste.”

Crates were loaded on to the back of lorries at the Bicester-based warehouse yesterday morning before it heads overseas.

Mr Hogg added: “Oxfam always tries to source its materials locally wherever possible - it is quicker, more efficient and better for the local economy.”