ATTACKERS who were 'disgustingly intoxicated' when they ambushed a helpless passer-by strolling through a park have been jailed for their cowardly violence.

Ryan McCarthy and Christopher Taylor looked on emotionless as they were thrown behind bars for unleashing terror on victim Martins Rudzitis.

Jailing the pair at Oxford Crown Court on Friday, Recorder John Bate-Williams slammed the defendants for their alcohol-fuelled rampage.

He condemned the aggressive pair for having drank too much before the attack in the Banbury park, which he claimed would have been 'desperately frightening' for the victim.

Recorder Bate-Williams added: "In my 15 years sitting as a part-time judge, I cannot recall a more cowardly act on a defenceless and vulnerable man.

"The hapless and helpless victim came into the park, minding his own business and oblivious to the onslaught which was about to be launched against him.

"This was cowardly violence and an entirely unprovoked act on a defenceless man - defenceless and vulnerable."

The court was told the defendants were 'heavily intoxicated' and looking to cause trouble when they entered People's Park on July 11, 2014.

Taylor pushed Mr Rudzitis after spotting him coming into the park, threatening him and shoving him up against a wall.

Mr Rudzitis did not try to 'resist' the attack, putting his arms by his side as he was punched to the face, his head swinging into the wall, the court heard.

McCarthy, who knew his victim, jumped into the onslaught, punching Mr Rudzitis, forcing him to tumble to the ground.

The court was told Taylor then appeared to help Mr Rudzitis from the ground before McCarthy delivered further blows to the victim.

Taylor, of Cotswold Crescent, Chipping Norton, also kicked his victim to his body with a 'shod foot'.

Nigel Daly, defending McCarthy, who was jailed for 14 months, said the 26-year-old was shocked by his behaviour.

McCarthy, of Balmoral Avenue, Banbury, was remorseful and a hard-working man, Mr Daly added.

Taylor, 28, who had previous convictions for violence and alcohol-related matters, was jailed for 16 months.

Both admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and must pay a victim surcharge.