THERE was one pupil who looked a little out of place among the first years at Abingdon School as classics teacher Adam Jenkins stepped back in time.

The former pupil started at the school 30 years ago when he was 11 and then returned as a teacher in 1999.

On Thursday Mr Jenkins found out what life was like for the current crop of first year pupils by shadowing them, particular 11-year-old Felix Kind, who joined from Goring Primary in September.

Mr Jenkins' day started by travelling to school on Felix's school bus and ended with a rugby match, which he was forced to watch from the sidelines due to his age.

He said: "The boys on the bus were surprised to see me and apparently the trip was much quieter than usual.

"My teaching colleagues were also slightly bemused to have me on the other side of the desk but I was impressed by their wide range of styles and approaches and I enjoyed the lessons – even if my maths was a bit rusty."

Mr Jenkins, who teaches classics, was a pupil at Sutton Courtenay Primary School before moving on to Abingdon.

He is also the lower school housemaster overseeing first and second year boys.

He added: "The school’s facilities have improved and obviously technology plays a much bigger part but the friendly, down to earth character is much the same.

"It was a really good experience to see the school day from the boys' perspective, it’s certainly busy and fast-paced and at the end of the day, I have to admit I didn’t do the homework."

Abingdon School caters for boys aged from 11 to 18 who are split into 10 houses.

Keen sportsman Felix said: "It was strange at first to have Mr Jenkins arrive at my house and then get on the bus with me but as the day went on we got used to him being part of our form.

"I can’t imagine what it must have been like starting here 30 years ago but I would like to know where I will be in 30 years – hopefully rowing."