A PAIR of intrepid teenagers from Oxford will cycle across Ghana with their dads for a children's charity.

Eve Williamson and Frank Nash, both 16, will travel 500km across the country with their dads, Nick Williamson, 51, and Dave Nash, 49, to raise funds for child.org.

The charity conducts a wide range of social projects across Africa, including educational initiatives and agricultural schemes.

While on their journey, the group will have the opportunity to see some of the charity’s projects and meet the children they help.

Eve, of Vicarage Lane, who attends Cherwell School, said: “The more I looked into the work the charity does the more I wanted to see how I can help other people.

“I've done a few charity things before but nothing of this magnitude.

“I'm really excited. It will be really interesting to see how different people live.”

The four will join another 65 riders for the Ride Africa challenge, each of whom will travel about 100km a day, starting on Monday morning for five days.

In total, the Oxford group hope to raise £6,000 between them to contribute to the charity's work.

Frank, who lives in Norreys Avenue and studies media production at Abingdon and Witney College, said: “It seems like a very exciting and amazing experience. I've never done anything like this before.

“What I like about it is it's not just the money, but the bikes we ride will be donated at the end of the challenge. I love that whole aspect of it. It's a nice feeling.

“It makes you think how we take things like bikes for granted.”

This the second ride that Mr Williamson had taken part in for the charity, after cycling from Uganda to Kenya two years ago with his other daughter, Ruby.

He said: “That was how I got to know about it. I was very keen then to get involved with the charity but also to get my daughters involved in some way so they could see how lucky they are.

“The charity does a mix of things to help the poorest and most vulnerable children living over there. I think it's heartbreaking for any parent to see children that vulnerable without support and that's why I want to try and help.”

The group has been training together as much as possible to prepare for the challenge, as well as talking to friends, family and colleagues to raise funds.

If you would like to donate to Mr Williamson and Eve, go to child.org/me/nick-eve. For Mr Nash and Frank visit child.org/me/frank-and-daves-ghana-adventure.

For more about the charity go to child.org.