AN OXFORD business is the first to get 'into the woods' at the Sylva Foundation Wood Centre this winter.

The Future Forest being planted near Abingdon has been given a boost from North Oxfordshire Property Services (NOPS) as the company has pledged to sponsor a plot of 25 trees in the three hectare forest.

The Sylva Future Forest will be planted on farmland adjacent to the Sylva Wood Centre in Long Wittenham to see which trees can best withstand climate change.

NOPS Director Robin Swailes said: "We’re really proud to be supporting the work going on at the Sylva Wood Centre – both the new Future Forest, the wood-based businesses and the start-up benches for young people just getting their career in design and woodworking off the ground.

"We’ve never had a team-building event outdoors, so we are looking forward to planting trees and sitting round an open fire and really getting close to nature."

There are 300 plots of 25 trees each which are available for individuals or businesses to sponsor.

The woodland will be divided into three zones: natives, natives with new genes and exotics as well as three coppice areas including hazel, sweet chestnut and robinia.

Within five years these shorter trees will begin to produce wood for walking sticks, hurdles, pea sticks and fencing stakes.

Plot sponsors receive their own hand-carved ‘key’ to their plot designed by wood-carver Simon Clements.

Head of fundraising and development for the foundation Tina Jacobs added: "The Future Forest is a demonstration woodland – part of Sylva’s work to help British woodland thrive for people and for nature.

"Trees are often underestimated or taken for granted but they really are amazing things because they provide homes for wildlife, slow climate change, help prevent flooding and provide green spaces for everyone to enjoy.

"Eventually, if woodlands are managed well, they produce wood which can be used to design and make things people need – buildings, furniture, fuel – and provide jobs.

"Once the Sylva Wood Centre is complete it will demonstrate that cycle of life and we’re delighted that NOPS shares our vision, we hope they will be the first of many business sponsors."

As the forest grows an education programme will help the local community, woodland owners, forest businesses and scientists learn about sustainable forest development.

Planting days will take place this winter after which the Future Forest will be open to the public at all times.

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