AN ATTACKER who pounced on four police officers during an early morning brawl has been jailed for ten months.

Clinton May admitted striking the officers who had rushed to the city centre when a clash broke out in Hythe Bridge Street on July 31.

Jailing the BMW worker last Thursday, Judge Zoe Smith slammed the 33-year-old for assaulting the officers during the 'terrible' attack.

She said: "This was a very bad incident and police officers need the courts assistance to keep them safe when they go out."

Oxford Crown Court heard officers hurried to the 'disorder' after a group of men began shouting and shoving each other at about 3.10am.

Crowds of passers-by were warned to stand back after PC Jamie Howell drew his baton in an attempt to have a 'calming influence' on the rowdy men.

May spotted the officer striking a man across the back of his legs, forcing him to the ground, and decided to jump into the altercation, the court was told.

The defendant, of Pegasus Road, Oxford, snatched PC Howell's baton from his grip before a 'tug of war' broke out between the pair.

May then punched the officer a number of times, causing him to become 'disorientated and dazed', staggering away from his attacker.

The court heard a second officer, PC Sarah Magro tried to pull May away from PC Howell but was struck in her face.

A third officer, PC Sylvia Masih-Gill then spotted the blows to PC Magro and rushed to her aid, misting May with cactus spray.

But the cactus spray had no effect on the defendant and PC Masih-Gill was punched to her right eye, falling backwards and hitting her head on a car bonnet.

A fourth officer, PC Olivia Micklewright tried to intervene but was also struck by the father-of-two, the court was told.

Other officers then came to the rescue, managing to restrain May on the ground before arresting him as he continued to 'lash out'.

Defence barrister Kellie Enever said alcohol played a 'huge' part in the 'unpleasant' attack on the four police officers.

The attack on PC Howell lasted about ten seconds and the defendant was remorseful, Ms Enever added.

May, who had no convictions since 2002, admitted one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and three counts of assault by beating.

He was ordered to pay £300 to PC Howell and £100 to PC Magro, whose glasses broke in the attack, as well as a victim surcharge.