Amid the 15-month chaos caused by construction the council promised the new £10m layout of the Wolvercote and Cutteslowe roundabout would be worth it - but six weeks on has it worked? 

Oxfordshire County Council completed the £10m project at the end of September after 15 months of construction which caused delays and disruption on the city's roads. 

Motorists branded the lights 'ridiculous' and that the traffic was 'worse than ever' shortly after their installation.

But council bosses claimed the system of 'intelligent' traffic lights would need several weeks to learn and adapt to traffic flows.

What do you think - have the changes helped? Vote below and send your comments here

This morning's traffic moved smoothly across both roundabouts with cars only occasionally waiting longer than one minute in a queue up to the roundabouts.

Drivers said the new lights and layout, which has included wider lanes on approaches and cycle lanes, had improved things.

Emma Lee, from Wheatley, said: "The lights have made my journeys to Cheltenham much quicker from Wheatley, it's a thumbs up from me."

Christine Read, who lives on Five Mile Drive which leads on to the Wolvercote roundabout, said: "It makes the exit from Five Mile Drive onto the roundabout much easier."