Pupils at an independent girls' school in Abingdon have been warned not to walk alone after a driver asked a sixth former to get into his vehicle.

The teenager at St Helen and St Katharine School in Faringdon Road was approached by the driver on Monday lunchtime.

In a letter from the school to parents they were told the pupil said 'no' to the driver and he then left the scene.

The letter added: "She was between St Helen's and Abingdon School at the time.

"She said 'no' clearly and walked away and nothing further happened."

Thames Valley Police spokesman Jack Abell said officers were called at 2pm following reports that the driver made 'inappropriate' comments to the girl in Faringdon Road.

He added: "It is believed that the incident happened at about 1.10pm.

"Officers attended and spoke to the girl. The man had since left the scene.

"It was established that no criminal offences had occurred."

School spokeswoman Elly Witcher said: "As part of our commitment to safeguarding our students, we continue to emphasise the importance of being vigilant and for students to prioritise their personal safety at all times.

"On Monday a student raised a concern at school and the information was passed on to police straight away.

"We keep parents well informed, as they want to play a role in keeping their children safe and well."