A PAEDOPHILE who was caught with more than 200 images of children being 'tortured' has been slapped with a suspended sentence.

Llyr Jones admitted having a 'sexual attraction' to youngsters after police discovered he had been looking at children as young as six being abused.

Sentencing on Thursday, Judge Peter Ross told the 29-year-old he 'deserved' to be locked up but would spare him an immediate jail term after hearing he wanted treatment for his problem.

Handing Jones a nine-month sentence, suspended for two years, the judge added: "At this very moment, all over the world, mainly in the Third World, there are children who are being abused in the way in which are described in the images that are reflected in this case.

"Children are raped, children are tortured and abused, and the images circulated so that paedophiles like you can satisfy their sexual desires. These are real children being raped. It's an appalling trade and these children's lives will be utterly blighted by what has happened to them.

"You have all the privileges of a qualified person with a good job in the Western world. it's a stark contrast."

Prosecutor Jonathan Stone told Oxford Crown Court police raided Jones' home at about 6.20am, seizing his Dell laptop and Western Digital USB on May 12.

Officers discovered he downloaded 247 indecent images after uncovering online searches and activity on a site where sex offenders share the illegal material.

The paedophile, of Langdale Gate, Witney, claimed he had not been viewing the youngsters being abused and denied having any images on his computer in his interview with police.

Defence barrister Gareth James said Jones, who must sign the sex offenders register, turned to alcohol after being made redundant but accepted his offending was 'wrong'.

Jones, who had no previous convictions, admitted nine counts of making indecent photographs of children and two counts of possessing a prohibited image of a child.

He was made subject to a 60-day internet sex offenders treatment programme, a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement and an eight-year sexual harm prevention order, and must pay a victim surcharge and £150 costs.

Judge Ross also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the Dell laptop and Western Digital USB.