A CLUB that has served a community since wartime has closed after losing yet another leader.

Kennington Youth Club shut after a new employee unexpectedly quit, joining a cluster of local groups that are 'crying out' for help.

Chairman of the club's management committee Roy King said: "Youth clubs in Kennington have always been constant. They are important because it enables young people to chat with peers.

"We are hoping to recruit somebody else but they are quite hard to find. Younger people aren't that eager to get involved. Youth work is at a fairly low ebb at the moment – it's hard."

The facility in Kennington Road has been running on and off since being set up to help evacuees during the Second World War, more recently offering a space where youngsters can drop by to play pool or take part in activities.

Mr King, 79, said young people have been 'invading' the village hall since the club closed last month, when the newly-instated leader left citing 'personal reasons'.

He said: "It's a frustrating way to close up. The leader is responsible for what goes on and for integrating with the young people. They talk about ways of moving on and enjoying life – it's a very worthwhile job.

"Some of the young people do miss it when it's closed, but we wish a few more would. We have been down in numbers and we are a bit puzzled by it."

He said the club has had to close a couple of times over the past 15 years 'when life got difficult' but has always bounced back.

He added: "Hope springs eternal, as they say. We are working towards it resolving itself and hope we could be up and running by Christmas or New Year."

The club was open every Monday evening for an entry price of £1, available for local children from the age of six up to those in their early teens.

Kennington Parish Council chairman Colin Charlett said: "It's been going for donkey's years and it's had a rough time with the leaders chopping and changing. It's a nice building which is vastly underused."

He highlighted widespread apathy and said it was hard to spark interest, adding: "It's the same with the Scouts and the Guides –they are all crying out for leaders and helpers and it's not a problem peculiar to Kennington.

"It would be a great shame if things like youth clubs and Scout groups die out."

To help revive the club and find out about becoming leader, a paid role involving weekly sessions and programme planning, call Mr King on 01865 735864.