ROSE Hill Community Centre is a regional finalist in 2017 Civic Trust Awards, an 'independent built environment awards scheme'.

The Oxford centre is one of 128 projects shortlisted in the awards, with every location being visited by judges prior to announcing the regional finalists.

The community hub, owned by Oxford City Council, opened in at the beginning of 2016.

More than 13,000 visitors per month were already using the centre by June.

The Civic Trust Awards, established in 1959, honour projects that benefit the community; 'consider inclusive and accessible design' and are sustainable.

Oxford city councillor Ed Turner said: "It is fantastic news that Rose Hill Community Centre has been recognised by Civic Trust Awards.

"At the crux of this project was to create an asset that catered to the diverse needs of the community and which encouraged a greater number of visitors.

"We wanted a convenient location that provided multiple services so that it would become central to life in Rose Hill and we are delighted in the public response which has shown us that we have achieved this.”

The community centre was nominated for the awards by Clarkson Alliance Project and Cost Managers, based in Summertown, who worked alongside local consultants ADP Architects, Qoda Consulting, Glanvilles and Beard contractors to deliver the project.

Mike Davy of Clarkson Alliance said: "We were committed from the outset to meet Oxford City Council’s objectives of increasing community engagement with the facilities.

"It is excellent to see the community centre be recognised for an award that rates this so highly."