A FUNDRAISER whose late grandma had frailness forced upon her by Alzheimer's ran 13 miles in her honour, just hours after finding out her other grandma had succumbed to the disease.

Olivia Joy Loveridge ran a half marathon last month for Alzheimer's Society, in tribute to grandma Olive Loveridge who died in January after enduring the memory-robbing condition.

On the morning she set off for the race in Southampton, the 23-year-old was hit with devastating news that her mum's mum, Didcot resident Joyce Armstrong, had lost her battle with the disease.

Wallingford resident Miss Loveridge, who was named after the two women, said: "My mum told me on that Sunday morning as we were setting off for Southampton.

"It motivated me hugely on the day. Those things make you realise how short life is and to make the most of it. It seemed so appropriate to be doing something for Alzheimer's on that day and do something as a family to keep my mum distracted.

"I had so much adrenaline at the beginning with all my family there. Halfway through my feet started to hurt and I was getting so tired but I thought 'you don't have a choice'. It was the most difficult thing I've ever done.

"I tried to push it to the back of my mind but when I crossed the line it was overwhelming, I was so relieved and emotional."

Her mum Terri, dad Bill, and brothers Nick, Simon and David - who lives in Southampton with fiancée Ruth Walker - rallied round her after the race on April 24.

Miss Walker, 29, said: "She just broke down in tears. It was such a big effort and we are so proud of her. No-one was surprised she went ahead with it. It was such a brave thing to do - she is exceptional."

Miss Loveridge and her grandmother bonded over a mutual love for piano music, sparked by her grandfather who always played at the home he once shared with his widow.

She said: "She was acting a bit odd then it just dramatically went downhill. She stopped recognising most of the family but when we showed her photos of us as kids she would light up instantly.

"She was quite bad for about five years then started deteriorating and went into hospital after having a stroke, then we moved her into a home in Oxford."

The French sales administrator, who graduated from the University of Surrey last year having studied languages, quadrupled her fundraising target and inspired donors to give more than £1,000.

To donate to Alzheimer's Society, which supports people affected by dementia, visit justgiving.com/Olivia-Loveridge-ABPhalf.