THE mother of a 29-year-old musician murdered in Rose Hill says his birthday would have been full of joy, laughter and family as they marked his life with a memorial plaque.

Hip-hop artist Aaron Buron, who was stabbed to death in 2012 when he stepped in to stop a fight between a man and his girlfriend, would have celebrated his 34th birthday last Saturday.

Younger brother Danny created a graffiti banner to commemorate Aaron's life, which was displayed in Rose Hill Road on Saturday, and a plaque in his memory was unveiled in the new Rose Hill Community Centre yesterday.

His mother Eden said: "His birthday would have been a very happy event.

"We would have all been together in the family home and all been together.

"We would have thrown him a barbecue – we're renowned for them – and there would have been youngsters running about and lots of presents and drinks and food."

Instead, Mrs Buron took balloons down to his graveside where she prayed and said happy birthday to him.

Mrs Buron says her nine grandchildren and her religion have kept her going throughout her ordeal.

The 58-year-old added: "I just take one day at a time. I have put all my faith and prayers in the Lord."