Two babies were injured and a police investigation launched after drawing pins were left on a changing mat in an Oxfordshire village hall.

Mother Hayley Turner, who placed her baby son Samuel on the mat in Standlake Village Hall to change his nappy, alerted others to the pins' presence on Facebook. It is being treated as assault.

She said her son screamed when she laid him on the mat, adding: "I dismissed it as him being tired, cold and grumpy so I changed him as quickly as possible so I could give him a cuddle and calm him down.

"It turns out some lowlife scum thought it would be 'fun' to deliberately put drawing pins in the bottom of the changing mat. Our poor baby boy was led [sic] on pins!!! And because he isn't old enough to tell me it hurt, he now looks like a pin cushion with 5 holes in total! Angry doesn't even cover it."

Police spokeswoman Connie Primmer said: "Thames Valley Police was informed of an incident on 18 March in which two babies were injured in the village hall in Rack End, Standlake, Oxfordshire. 

"It was reported that drawing pins left in a changing mat had injured the babies.

"Police are investigating this assault and in the meantime safety advice has been given to those involved."