Attempts by Government departments, councils, police forces and universities to hide behind a veil of secrecy are set to be rejected today in a victory for freedom of information campaigners.

The Oxford Mail, along with other newspapers and pressure groups, has been fighting to stop a powerful committee of Westminster insiders watering down the Freedom of Information Act.

Today the Independent Commission on Freedom of Information will publish its review of the act and is expected to recommend that no legal changes are made to it.

Cabinet Office Minister Matthew Hancock told the Daily Mail the Act was still working well 10 years after it came into force.

He added that rules on transparency which currently cover Government departments would be extended across the entire public sector.

This would mean where staff earn £150,000 or more full details of their salary, allowances, fees, pension contributions, expenses, bonuses and compensation for loss of employment would have to be made public.

Mr Hancock also ruled out charging people to submit freedom of information requests.

More details will be released later today.