PLANS to build 120 homes in Long Hanborough which were heavily opposed by residents have been refused after councillors agreed they would not fit the character of the village.

Members of West Oxfordshire District Council said yesterday that the "inappropriate" plans would urbanise the otherwise peaceful village, home to some 2,500 people.

A total of 156 residents from Long Hanborough wrote in to oppose the proposal for 120 homes on land south east of Pinsley Farm, Main Road, with the key issues highlighted as air pollution, road safety, and the local school and doctor's surgery already being over-subscribed.

Applicant Commercial Estates Group fought against the recommendation for refusal, saying the council did not have an adequate local plan, and that the housing shortfall must be addressed urgently.

Last year WODC's local plan was found to be less than what the planning inspectorate required, meaning members had to go back to the drawing board and re-draft it.

Work is currently being done to amend it.

Long Hanborough Parish Council welcomed the district council's decision saying the plans for 120 homes in the village were "well out of proportion".

Members said in a statement to WODC: "This development would exceed infrastructure capacity within the village and would harm the wellbeing of the community.

"The location of the homes would cause significant harm to the appearance of the rural area, failing to integrate well with the village of Long Hanborough and its

surroundings by disrespecting the scale, pattern and character of the settlement."