A WOMAN was astonished to learn a chance encounter with a young Chinese girl in Oxford a year ago had been a life-changing event.

Sarah Broad bumped into the “upset” girl in the University Parks over the Christmas period in 2014.

The 62-year-old said: “I was walking on my own through the Parks when I saw this girl looking a bit unhappy and lost.

“I walked over and she told me all about her life and what was making her upset.

“She was only about 19 or 20 so it was a bit like talking to your mother, but I just knelt down and encouraged her to follow what was in her heart.”

The pair spent a couple of hours talking but lost contact after parting.

Then last week, Mrs Broad was astonished to receive a letter from the girl telling her how her life had been changed by their conversation.

The envelope only had the details “Sarah” and “Ferry Road, Oxford” – Mrs Broad’s address at the time.

The letter had to be redirected by her previous postman Nick Watkins, who persuaded his manager to send on the envelope.

Mother-of-one Mrs Broad moved from Oxford to Thame with her husband Jeremy early last year.

The letter, which she finally received last week, said: “That was one of the greatest days of my life and I will never forget it.

“You came to talk to me in the University Parks in Oxford and we had a great talk.”

Mrs Broad said: “I was totally blown away when I got the letter.

“I couldn’t believe that anything I said could have led her to respond in that way.

“She told me how she had managed to rebuild her life and was now going to start a family with her boyfriend.”

On receiving the letter, she added: “What a wonderful postman Nick is.”

“I know everyone on his round would like to thank him for what he’s done, they just love him.

“He’s the man who will not just go an extra mile, he will go five if he has to. He’s so caring.”

Littlemore resident Mr Watkins, who has covered Ferry Road for six years, said: “I was shocked when I saw the letter.

“I’m quite an old-school postie and I’ve got to know the people that I deliver to.

“I thought there’s only one Sarah on the street but she had moved, so I had to ask my manager’s permission to redirect it.

“It was a pleasure and I could see that it made Sarah very happy. I was only too pleased that it got to its right destination.”