A NEW scheme to encourage more young people to access a wealth of arts and culture has been launched by three of Oxford's quirkiest venues.

Members of TOAST Oxford aged 16 to 30 will receive a fortnightly email with offers for a selection of hand-picked shows, with prices as low as £5 per ticket.

Cut-price entertainment available through TOAST will include theatre, dance, comedy and music at the Old Fire Station, The North Wall and Pegasus theatre.

Old Fire Station spokeswoman Alexandra Coke said: “Students and young professionals have less disposable income than ever, and it’s hugely important that this increasingly squeezed group don’t feel that they have to miss out on great art.

"The vast majority of our audience are aged 30 plus, and we want to invite younger people in and show them that a night at the theatre doesn’t have to cost the earth.”

Members will also be given a card with every new membership, which will be stamped at each event attended. A fully-stamped card will earn a free drink.

Amy Walters of The North Wall added: "Oxford’s an amazing city to live and work in. For a small city, there’s a huge range of things to do and see, and we think TOAST is a great way to encourage people to look a bit further afield and try something that might be outside their comfort zone.”

For more information or to join visit toastoxford.com