A FEAST of spectacular dance performances will light up the city's streets this weekend on the 10th anniversary of the Dancin' Oxford festival.

For three men who all began dancing as young boys in Oxford, this year holds a special significance as they perform together in opening event Moving With the Times.

Jos Baker, Tomislav English, Sam Coren along with composer Tommy Evans are now all at the top of their games and have performed with international dance companies.

Their work, When We Were Young, celebrates their transition over the years and is a "wry commentary" on their lives as performers.

Mr Baker said: "All four of us started dancing with Oxford Youth Dance when we were pretty young, performing at Pegasus wearing crazy costumes that our mums had made.

"We all caught the bug. Tom went into music and the other three of us trained professionally, and have appeared in dance companies all over the world.

"We haven't danced together in years but thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to get together again in Oxford, where we went on stage for the first time."