A CLEANED-UP version of risque puppet show Avenue Q could be on the way to the Church of the Holy Family in Blackbird Leys.

The church in Cuddesdon Way is hoping to put on its own production of the Broadway musical, using local aspiring actors and second-hand puppets.

Plans are still embryonic but vicar the Rev Heather Carter said the church had obtained a 'child-friendly' version of the script with the more controversial lines removed.

She said: "A couple of us went on a puppet workshop a few weeks ago and we want to do Avenue Q, but a schools' version.

"It's still going to be for adults but just cleaner than the other version. It kind of works."

A set of humanoid puppets with bendable arms on wooden poles, similar to Muppets, has already been sourced.

The church needs about £5,000 to bring in a professional musical or theatre producer – £3,500 has so far been raised.

The Rev Carter added: "I am trying to set up a puppet workshop to come in for a couple or hours and show people how to use them, as a start."

Work on the show is expected to start in earnest in April and it is hoped the production will take place in the autumn.