IT IS always nice to be part of a large convivial group and I can see where the attraction lies in the EU club.

However it has also been proven by psychologists that large groups often make very bad decisions.

This phenomenon can be labelled as group think or a risky shift.

For example the fatal decision to launch the Space Shuttle Challenger in freezing temperatures took place despite warnings from engineers about possible O ring failure in cold weather.

Groups often make riskier and unwise decisions.

The EU has similarly made some foolish decisions and issued directives that are not conducive to our economy.

The crippling “green” taxes levied on our steel and heavy manufacturing industries are an example.

If the EU is so green then why are they promoting cheap air flights?

And why are laughably “green” low carbon diesel vehicles now polluting our air with particulates and killing 40,000 UK citizens a year?

As the computer acronym GIGO states; Garbage In Garbage Out.

Magdalen Road, Oxford